Thursday, January 10, 2008

What is Conservatism?

Joe Carter of Evangelical Outpost (I love his blog!) just started a series of blog posts on conservatism. His first one is well-written and really lays out the role of the family in the conservative movement.

"I believe that while ultimate sovereignty belongs to God alone, He delegates authority throughout society to various institutional structures (i.e., churches, businesses, the state, etc.). Naturally, these institutions are not immune to the effects of sin or human depravity but they still retain the legitimate authority given to them by our Creator. Although each of these institutions is important, the most essential is the family. My political philosophy could be called “family-first conservatism” for I believe that the institution of the family should be given pride of place in decisions about public policy."

1 comment:

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

I agree with his thoughts on families. It's nice to have people that think of the family first. Does this family first mean we ignore economics or foreign policy? No, we do not ignore them; at times we may need an economic conservative as a leader, at other times a defense conservative, and even other times we will need a social conservative.

Economists estimate 80% of jobs in 20 years have not even been thought of yet. I personally think it is time for an economic conservative that can position America to take advantage of those jobs. Better jobs provide better economic security for families.