Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oscars = Depressing

Michael Medved gets it right in his latest blog post on Why did the Oscars tank?

" Hollywood’s Golden Age, we looked on celebrities with admiration and envy; today, we often see them with contempt and pity. The scandal-obsessed, non-stop, cable-and-internet Britney-Lindsay-Paris culture focuses on broken lives and self-destructive decadence. Like passing a car wreck, it’s sometimes hard to look away, but if we have other choices for entertainment and escape than dwelling in this dysfunctional world, we generally take them."

How true.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nature's Quality Control

Maggie Gallagher's latest column on

"My own position on sperm donation is considered beyond the pale. Ideally, before a man becomes a father he ought to be able to persuade some woman to marry him. But consider this an absolute minimum: A man who wants to be a father ought to be able to find some actual live woman who wants to have sex with him. Call it nature's quality control."

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Or Forever Hold Your Peace...

Just heard on the Michael Medved show:

Michael Medved: To all who said Huckabee ruined his state (Arkansas) and that he was a big spend liberal, Shut up. He got 61% of the vote.


Voter-Based Reality - What's Really Going On?

Joe Carter at Evangelical Outpost has a great new post. He really knows what's going on in this election cycle.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Truth Is Not Relative

I wanted to write this post last Sunday, but I just did not have the time.

The worship team at my church has recently started playing the song, "Only True God" by Paul Baloche, frequently and it has quickly become one of my favorites. I was struck last Sunday by the chorus:

Father, Spirit, Son
Only true God
Exalted three in one
Only true God
Only true God

It's absolute. It's exclusive. No room for any other deity or interpretation. The perfect triune God is it. He is the only true God. Where else do you experience such clarity?

The world is afraid of absolutes. Although it's ironic since I think the only way you can feel truly at peace is when you know something is certain. But nonetheless, our society is afraid of saying right and wrong. There are many examples, including the war on terror and the federal marriage amendment. It's refreshing on a Sunday to rejoice in absolute truth.

I've decided that that is what I am looking for in a presidential candidate. I want a president who is not afraid to say that something is right or wrong. I want someone who believes in absolute truth and holds society and government to a standard other than his own feelings or the whims of the people. I think Mike Huckabee fills that bill the best, but I am afraid that tomorrow he may not last much longer. Mitt Romney is next on my list for someone who I think holds to a truth higher than himself. He has changed his mind on some issues and I don't agree with him on everything, but I think his Mormon faith is strong and that the moral standard of absolute truth will come through on his policies. I don't think John McCain holds to any absolute truth other than what he thinks is right (which is highly questionable...). And don't get me started on the Democrats!

Do you think it's important for a president who holds to a higher standard than himself? What are some criteria that you look for in a candidate?